Capital Crossroads: A Vision for Greater Des Moines & Central Iowa

Community meeting scheduled


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

5:00 – 6:00 p.m.


Des Moines Botanical Center

909 Robert D. Ray Drive, Des Moines 


Greater Des Moines – Capital Crossroads Tri-Chairs Angela Connolly – Polk County, J. Barry Griswell -Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines, and Cara Heiden – Wells Fargo Home Mortgage invite central Iowa residents to a community meeting on a vision for Greater Des Moines and central Iowa.  The meeting is the first of two public meetings on the vision plan.  It will take place Wednesday, January 19, 5:00 p.m., at the Des Moines Botanical Center, 909 Robert D. Ray Drive, in Des Moines. Attendees will see a presentation from Market Street, a community and economic development consulting firm, on the visioning effort so far.  Market Street will also share a competitive climate assessment based on public input and research.


In the autumn of 2010, the Community Foundation and the Greater Des Moines Partnership joined local government, education, healthcare and business and community leaders to launch a strategic community and economic development planning process to create a shared vision and strategic plan for Greater Des Moines and Central Iowa.  Capital Crossroads: A Vision for Greater Des Moines & Central Iowa is led by a steering committee of 50 business and community leaders.  The planning process is expected to take seven months with a formal action plan released in May.  The plan will include a long-term perspective, implementation strategies and a framework for measuring results and progress.


The public input process for the vision plan has exceeded any project previously led by Market Street or in Greater Des Moines’ history.

Thirty focus groups were held to gain further input on areas of special interest, including but not limited to education, diversity, health care, arts and culture, recreation, environment and quality of life.  “The work done by the Iowa State Extension team and Ames Chamber to help schedule and facilitate nearly half the focus groups in the Capital Crossroads process was of tremendous benefit to the overall quality and depth of final report,” said J. Mac Holladay, Market Street CEO. “The region’s vision strategy will be stronger because of their contributions.”  Fifty one-on-one interviews with local leaders and key influencers across Central Iowa were also conducted.  Further public input was sought via two community surveys which received a combined response by overt 4,000 individuals.


A second public meeting will be will held in April to share the final vision plan.  For media inquiries or for more information, please contact Susan Ramsey at (515) 286-4954 or


About MarketStreet Inc.

Founded in 1997, Market Street is an independent, national workforce, community, and economic development consulting firm.  Market Street brings original insights and clarity to the evaluation and revitalization of the places where people live, work, and grow.  Through honest and informed assessments, Market Street works with the community to create meaningful change.  Market Street’s community clients are successful at creating stronger programs, increasing operational budgets, and creating new quality jobs that improve the quality of life in their communities.


About the Community Foundation

The Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines works to improve the quality of life for all by connecting donors with their passions, fostering links between community organizations and convening local leaders to promote the common good. The Community Foundation manages assets in excess of $165 million, administers more than 730 charitable funds created by Iowans and distributed over $22 million in grants in 2009. We thank our donors, partners and nonprofit organizations for working to strengthen our community. Live…Give…Better Together


About the Greater Des Moines Partnership

The Greater Des Moines Partnership is the economic development engine serving Central Iowa.  Supported by over 160 public and private investors, the Partnership focuses on four pillars of work: economic development, workforce attraction and retention, downtown development and regional business development.  With its 22 regional Affiliate Chambers of Commerce and 4,200 business members, the Partnership is united to drive economic growth with one voice, one mission, and as one region.