Bravo Greater Des Moines is a shining example of regional cooperation at its finest. Bravo recently celebrated its 10-year anniversary of helping elevate arts and culture in this region. It was started following the Project Destiny vision plan of the mid-2000s, and its progress has continued with a leadership role in Capital Crossroads.

Bravo is part of a regional collaboration to fund and support arts, culture, and heritage organizations. To date, Bravo has grown from nine local government partners to 16. It awarded more than $3 million in Cultural Enrichment grants to 60 regional organizations in fiscal year 2015, and has awarded more than $23 million in grants in its 10-year history. According to a recent Economic Impact Study completed by Bravo in 2012, Bravo-supported venues welcomed 3.6 million visitors and provided $19.1 million in earnings for workers annually.

Bravo has celebrated a successful 10 years, but the organization’s momentum shows no sign of slowing. For more information on Bravo, its partners, and the organizations it supports, click here.