CXR Director Shares Work with Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity
On April 25, Capital Crossroads Director Bethany Wilcoxon shared the regional vision with the Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity team. At the event, Wilcoxon discussed the impact of Capital Crossroads’ work on Habitat and vice versa.
Capital Crossroads has a strong emphasis on affordable housing throughout its ten Capitals, and the Capital Core specifically looks at how we can strengthen our core neighborhoods immediately adjacent to downtown Des Moines.
At the same time, the Habitat for Humanity team is working on several neighborhood revitalization efforts. Chief among these is the organization’s work in the Birdland area. Over the next year, Habitat plans to build 32 homes in the area, which has been empty since the floods of 2008 led to the demolition of several homes in the area.
Partnerships like the one with Habitat for Humanity are key to the success of Capital Crossroads; contact us today to find out how you can help better our community.